Feb 17Liked by Lisa O'Hare

In recent years I had stopped having any interest in sharing my writing, especially with the algorithm to please but that also meant losing my interest in actually doing any writing (admittedly life stuff and illness also played a part in that) I remember when I was a teenager and I carried a notebook & pen around with me wherever I went, writing anything and everything down! Which meant, at least, I was incredibly connected with myself. Not sure where I'm going with this ramble but yes, I do understand what you are saying.

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I just wrote about this topic. I shared a quote I saw on someone’s sweater: “Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back.”

Please continue to write and share, there is always a reader in need.

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I'm here! And I'm interested in this, I've been thinking (and overthinking) the very same things.

I love to write, I need to write to process, I have lots of substack ideas but ultimately find myself happier and more centred when I am not overthinking what to write on here. BUT, I like the discipline of committing to a once a week thing. And I hate looking at my phone. And lots of other reasons I started.

I think the thing for me is that ultimately, it all just feels a bit noisy, and that I am adding to the noise.

The main things I want to do this year are to do with live performance and gathering people together in a room. But in order to do that, people have to know about you. And so the cycle goes on.

Very much up for an in-person chat about this stuff at some point as I always find it interesting!

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