Such a lovely post. I love that you are preparing a collection and I love the wisdom in going slowly. I think most things that are lovely and deep and stirring have a patience over them x

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Thank you for reading!

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Reading this article really resonated with me - but in a different way (if you can resonate in a different way?).

It made me think about how I approach everything I do in life and it is just the opposite of slowly.

As you know, I have self published a few books / pamphlets but when I look back at them it is clear that I rushed into it. They are a combination of decent, half decent and not at all decent work. If I had taken my time then some of the work definitely wouldn't have made the cut. I need to work out how to slow down and not jump in with both feet.

Don't get me wrong, I have been afforded so many opportunities that I didn't even know I wanted since I started reading out loud. Who knew that I wanted to try a bit of stand up comedy or sing Barry Manilow accapella to a room full of 60 plusers. But in doing all these things , I don't feel like I have yet found my authentic voice.

Many of my early opportunities came about because you plugged open mic nights and kindly invited me on to your events. And I am not alone. Many have found their voice at events you either ran or promoted, and your standing in the poetry community is pivotal.

So take as long as you like to get that book finished, safe in the knowledge there is a large group of us waiting with baited breath to read it.

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Thanks Chris! There's a lot to be said for jumping in - especially the excitement factor! I don't think I would have dared sharing my writing if I did too much research into it, I would have been scared off. But, like you, without open mic nights, I would never have kept sharing them, as that real life connection with writing is a kind of real magic. Thanks so much for the kind words - I appreciate them.

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