Spoiler - you always will by virtue of being a human
Amazing Lisa. ❤️
‘Rest. Keep doing the thing you love (for me, writing) on your own terms.’ So much wisdom here, thank you Lisa.
I loved reading this ❤️ definitely being online & always having the opportunity to compare to others makes you feel like you should be constantly chasing the next big thing. Thanks for sharing 💖
Aw thanks for reading ! Dreams coming true without it being exhausting is the actual dream I think!
Very relatable to me personally, Lisa. Told like all your work, with a glint in your eye. Great stuff
Amazing Lisa. ❤️
‘Rest. Keep doing the thing you love (for me, writing) on your own terms.’ So much wisdom here, thank you Lisa.
I loved reading this ❤️ definitely being online & always having the opportunity to compare to others makes you feel like you should be constantly chasing the next big thing. Thanks for sharing 💖
Aw thanks for reading ! Dreams coming true without it being exhausting is the actual dream I think!
Very relatable to me personally, Lisa. Told like all your work, with a glint in your eye. Great stuff