A free write inspired by @Nelly Bryce’s Poetry Pals recent prompt about alternative resolutions.. I start silly and meander to some lines I enjoyed spilling out.
In 2025
I will thrive, survive, see oasis live
I will sing as a drive at the top of my lungs
Love will lift me up where I belong
Where ever I leave my hat will be my home
I will moan
I just will , it's too late to pretend I won't
I will be flawed
I will not be fixed
But I will not run towards conflicts
Or restrict my point of view
I will read and listen
I will take joy in the moments this world glistens
Even as it burns
Returning neglect with natural consequences
I will free write until it sense is made
Then I'll share it without my defences up
Filling my cup with connections it makes
Both on and off the page
I'll exchange engagement with fulfilment
Building a world I'm happy to live in
Starting small, becoming resilient
Through curiosity find brilliance
Turning the brightness up on darker days
Ways will be found
If I learn to surround myself in comfort
My troubles will soon be outnumbered
And I'll recover from those inevitable stumbles
In record time
I'll be fine with whatever you throw at me 2025
I'll be fine
I may polish some of these phrases and ideas in a different poem on a different day. But I hope you enjoy the messiness of seeing the free write.
Until next time.